Gateway Motel
Tulsa, OK Photo courtesy Charles Brock
The Gateway Motor Hotel in Tulsa still offers up a great
rate, whether its rain or shine. Not sure what the lodging is like inside,
though the sign outside still looks superb.
Cotton Boll Motel (Closed)
Canute, OK Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
Located along Route 66 in Canute, OK is the Cotton Boll Motel.
Unfortunately, this roadside motel establishment has closed its doors.
Star Lite Motel
Sturgis, SD Photo courtesy Tony Craig
The Star Lite Motel is a prominent sight along the old
roadside, especially with its huge star atop its marquee. This motel is
located in Sturgis, SD.
West Winds Motel (Closed)
Erick, OK Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
Off the 66 in Erick, OK is the weathered sign for the West Winds Motel.
Here's a shot of the entire West Winds Motel complex. This is a throwback
to the old motor court days.
Washita Motel (Closed)
Canute, OK Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
Here's a photo of the Washita Motel, located in Canute, OK. This motel
appears to have been converted to long term lodging. Many thanks to Clarke Ingram for identifying the name.
Western Motel
Sayre, OK Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn
The Western Motel in Sayre, OK still features is rather
scenic marquee. Staring at this will have you wondering whether you're
in the middle of the desert.
Thunderbird Motel
Dodge City, KS Photo courtesy Greg West
This fancy sign is the marquee to the Thunderbird Motel in Dodge City, KS. The colors and design of this sign make it a real roadside attraction. Not to mention that "clean" rooms are advertised. 10-05