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Sundown Drive-in Theatre
Whittier, CA


Sundown Theatre, H.W. Bruen/ Pacific Theatres
1954 - 1999
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

Yes, it's the Sundown Drive-in Theatre in Whittier, California. Come and see the latest movie flick in this single screen wonderland. Enjoy a glimpse of the googie screen tower, complete with the retro script lettering. And just take a moment to appreciate its grandeur.


The Sundown Drive-in opened in August 1954 as Hugh Bruen's Sundown Drive-in along Washington Blvd. The drive-in closed in September 1990 and was eventually torn down in 1999 after operating as a swap meet.


Yes, the screen even has googie like holes in its support. Alas, the Sundown met its fate with a construction crew in February of 1999 and is now showing first-run movies at the "big drive-in in the sky."

Say goodbye to the Sundown as its laid down to rest for good. The Sundown is now home to a Home Depot, with other stores such as Carl's Jr., Verizon Wireless, Flame Broiler, and Togo's located along the perimeter.




Sundown marquee
Whittier, CA
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

Here's a close-up look at the former Sundown sign that used to grace Washington Boulevard. This marquee appeared to be a good home to pigeons during the latter days.





Sundown Screen close-up
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

Screen tower down
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com

Another view
Photo by RoadsidePeek.com


Lots of more photos and information, including photos of the screen tower coming down, at Southern California Drive-ins.



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