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Drive-in Theatre Nevada


Skyway Drive-in Theatre
Las Vegas, NV
Photo courtesy Allen Sandquist

Here's the Skyway Drive-in Theatre in Las Vegas, NV. Just follow this sign to the Vegas open air theatre of your dreams at Roadside Peek's Drive-in Theatres Las Vegas.





Roper Drive-in Theatre (Gone)
Fallon, NV
Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn

Here's an old abandoned drive-in screen tower, literally on its last legs. Another of the Southwest's drive-in entertainment centers will return to the tumbleweeds.


UPDATE 07/06 : The Roper Drive-In was razed a few years back after the screen was severely damaged in a windstorm. It was just a matter of time anyway as Highway 50 is being widened to 4 lanes between Fernley & Fallon. Many thanks to Frank C. for update. 07-06



Sage Drive-in Theatre
Yerington, NV
Photo courtesy NevadaMax

The remnants of the Sage Drive-in Theatre in Yerington still stand... a flashback to some forgotten past.


Sage Drive-in Theatre
Yerington, NV
Photo courtesy Charles Brock


Here are a couple more shots of the Sage Drive-in, including close-up of the beaten but still standing screen tower and projection booth.

Photo courtesy Charles Brock






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