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Neon Motels New Mexico

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Tewa Lodge
Albuquerque, NM
Photos and info courtesy Adriene Biondo


Route 66The Tewa Motor Lodge was built in 1946 and has a historic listing on both the State and National Register. On Old Route 66 between San Mateo and San Pedro.

(Far right) A closer look at the neon lit sign at the Tewa Lodge located off of Central Avenue in Albuquerque



Blue Spruce Lodge
Gallup, NM
Photo courtesy Adriene Biondo

Route 66The Blue Spruce Lodge lights up Route 66 in Gallup along a patch of neon lights.



La Loma Motel
Santa Rosa, NM
Photo courtesy Greg West

Route 66The La Loma Motelin Santa Rosa still features a roadside neon sign on its property. This motel and its marquee is located along the Route 66 on the edge of town.




Cottonwood Court
Santa Fe, NM
Photo courtesy Dave & Debra van Hulsteyn

Route 66Check out this neon sign for the Cottonwood Court, off Route 66 in Santa Fe.


UPDATE 11/07 : Here's another shot of the neon marquee at the Cottonwood Court in Santa Fe. 11-07



Desert Sands
Albuquerque, NM
Photo courtesy Adriene Biondo

Route 66The Desert Sands Motel was built in 1953 and still lights up the sky off Central Avenue in Albuquerque.



El Vado Motel
Albuquerque, NM
Photo courtesy Greg West

Route 66Route 66 is well known for its neon motels. See the El Vado Motel here in action.










© Copyright 1998-2020 Syd Nagoshi. All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be reproduced, copied or revised without written permission of the author.