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April to June 2007

Welcome to Roadside Peek News. This section will feature a news peek of what's happening out on the road. While not pretending to be comprehensive, we hope you'll visit this section from time to time to keep up on just a sample of issues that are roadside related. Don't forget to check out the Roadside Peek main page for the day's update.

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Q4 '04 | Q3 '04 | Q2 '04 | Q1 '04 | 2003 | 2002 | Main


Action Required on Tulsa Landmark

06.30.2007 Tulsa, OK - The Tulsa Camelot Hotel is scheduled to be demolished in August 2007.  The hotel is located right along the I-44. Plans are for the Castle Hotel to be leveled for a new Quik Trip  (7-11) type convenience store. Quik Trip just bought the Camelot for $2 million and is preparing it for demolition. Local polls taken show that 85% of Tulsans do not want to see her taken down.

Action is required quickly to keep this landmark from going under by contacting the local newspaper at  as well as the Mayor Tulsa's action line email address

Many thanks to Chris King for update

The Seal Disappears Off Aurora

06.30.2007 Seattle, WA - For many years, a familiar sight for travelers passing through Seattle on Aurora Avenue was the Seal's Motel sign. The Seal marquee was noteworthy for featuring a neon seal with a beach ball spinning on its nose. The sign is now gone and replaced with a backlit plastic sign.

Many thanks to Mike Fuller for update

Another Lyons Coffee Shop Is Demolished

06.30.2007 Stockton, CA - Space age coffee shops are becoming a rare sight these days, and the loss of yet another Lyons just adds fuel to the fire. The Lyons Restaurant on Pacific Avenue in Stockton, CA was razed on May 29, 2007 after being open since 1965. The restaurant closed down in 2005 and has been vacant since then. According to the Stockton Record, plans are to build an Elephant Bar Restaurant in its place.

Many thanks to Suzanne Astorino for update

Clayton Plumbers Sign Threatened

04.08.2007 Los Angeles, CA - The Clayton Plumbers sign is scheduled to come down on April 16th.

Many thanks to Adriene Biondo for update

According to the National Trust's Preservation Online, the owner of the business says the Clayton Plumbers sign is to costly to maintain and will be donating to the Museum of Neon Art (MONA). The Los Angeles Conservancy as well as MONA is hoping its remains in its place along Westwood Boulevard like it has been for the last 60 years.



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