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October to December 2007

Welcome to Roadside Peek News. This section will feature a news peek of what's happening out on the road. While not pretending to be comprehensive, we hope you'll visit this section from time to time to keep up on just a sample of issues that are roadside related. Don't forget to check out the Roadside Peek main page for the day's update.

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Seattle Bowling Landmark Demolished

11.28.2007 Seattle, WA - After closing in 2006, the Leilani Lanes in Greenwood was demolished a week ago. The 20-foot pin is in danger of meeting the same fate unless someone steps up to claim the sign. Apartments and commercial development is planned for the former site of the 1961 bowling alley. More information can be found in the November 24, 2007 edition of the Seattle Times.

Update 12.11.07 : The Leilani Lanes bowling pin sign has been saved and will be displayed at the Clearview Nursery and Stone, which is located about 25 miles to the northeast of its former location. More information can be found in this November 28, 2007 article of the Seattle Times.

Many thanks to Michele Gould for update.

Vintage Roadside Teams With the National Trust

11.28.2007 - Recently received word that the Vintage Roadside gift shop has launched a new promotion with the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Customers purchasing a t-shirt through Vintage Roadside’s online gift shop will have the option to receive a free one-year membership to the National Trust.

Many thanks to Kelly Burg of Vintage Roadside for update.

Paxton Majestic Theatre Burns Down

11.14.2007 Paxton, IL - The Paxton Majestic Theatre went up in flames on the morning of November 13, 2007 and has been declared a total loss. After catching fire at about 10am, the marquee and roof collapsed an hour later. The theatre was last used for a play in 2006 and has been closed. The state fire marshall's office is investigating the cause of the fire, which also damaged three surrounding buildings in downtown Paxton.

More information can be found in the November 13 edition of The News Gazette and

Many thanks to Doug Ehmen and Chris for update.

The Vegas Frontier Imploded

11.14.2007 Las Vegas, NV - The New Frontier Casino in Las Vegas was imploded at 2:37a.m. early Tuesday morning November 13, 2007. According to the November 13, 2007 edition of the Las Vegas Sun, the old hotel and casino, which was the 2nd oldest property on the Las Vegas Strip, will now become a Plaza resort.

Norms San Gabriel to Close?

10.29.2007 San Gabriel, CA - Heard from well placed sources a couple of months ago (over breakfast) that the Norm's Restaurant in San Gabriel will be closing around the end of the year. Though Norm's had a remodel about 10 years ago, the coffee shop still has a huge amount of counter space and the marquee has withstood the test of time. Word is a shopping center will take its place.

Sands Casino Atlantic City Imploded

10.29.2007 Atlantic City, NJ - The Sands Casino in Atlantic City was imploded on October 18. Vegas based owner Pinnacle Entertainment Inc. plans to build a mega resort, similar to the properties built up in Vegas in recent years.



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