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January to March 2008

Welcome to Roadside Peek News. This section will feature a news peek of what's happening out on the road. While not pretending to be comprehensive, we hope you'll visit this section from time to time to keep up on just a sample of issues that are roadside related. Don't forget to check out the Roadside Peek main page for the day's update.

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Bob's Big Boy May Rebuild Johnie's Broiler

02.25-2008 - The Los Angeles Conservancy Modern Committee (MODCOM) just sent out an action alert that MODCOM, Friends of Johnie's, and The Coalition to Rebuild the Broiler are announcing that Bob's Big Boy is in negotiations to rebuild Johnie's Broiler.

According to the alert, MODCOM receive an official announcement from City of Downey that Bob's and the owner of Johnie's are working to come to terms to rebuild this 1958 landmark.

Your attendance is being requested at a Downey City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 7:30pm

Downey City Hall
11111 Brookshire Avenue
Downey, CA 90241

Here is the action alert from MODCOM. If questions, please contact Adriene Biondo, chair of the Los Angeles Conservancy Modern Committee or call (818)943-6621.

Historic Nevada Downtown Area Damaged by Quake

02.24.2008 - This historic district in Wells, NV was damaged when a 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck about 11 miles southeast of the town at 7:16 a.m. MST. Fortunately only minor injuries were reported. According the Salt Lake City Tribune, the earthquake damages included two 19th-century brick buildings In downtown Wells, the El Rancho Hotel and the Bullshead. Both had masonry fall away from their facades.

The Las Vegas Review Journal quoted a Nevada official state the damage to the Wells historic area "looks discouraging." A block of historic buildings on Seventh Street suffered significant damage though they are still standing. The article states that the State's cultural preservation program can not be spent on private property, and the Wells buildings are privately owned.

Photos from the pre-quake days coming soon.



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Page Last Updated August 11, 2008