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July to September 2008

Welcome to Roadside Peek News. This section will feature a news peek of what's happening out on the road. While not pretending to be comprehensive, we hope you'll visit this section from time to time to keep up on just a sample of issues that are roadside related. Don't forget to check out the Roadside Peek main page for the day's update.

News from: Current | Q2 '08 | Q1 '08 | Q4 '07 | Q3 '07 | Q2 '07 | Q1 '07 | Q4 '06 | Q3 '06 | Q2 '06 | Q1 ' 06
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Tony Craig's New Book Published

08.11.08 - Artist Tony Craig has recently published his new book "Country Stores of North Carolina". Visit his site for ordering details as well as a look of his great collection of original artwork for sale. Tony has also contributed many roadside images to RoadsidePeek.

Seattle Denny's Demolished

07.21.08 Seattle, WA - Last month, the Denny's 60's era building at the intersection of NW Market St and 15th Ave NW in Ballard was demolished. In February, the Landmarks Preservation Board designated it a landmark, however the same board overturned its own decision in May. A mixed-use building will be built over the site. More information can be found at

Johnie's Broiler Clean-up Effort Kicked-off

07.20.08 Downey, CA - Monday morning, July 7th, 2008, was the official kick off of the "clean-up" Johnie's Broiler. Here are photos from the event.

Many thanks to Adriene Biondo for notification

Bob's Big Boy Wilshire in L.A. Closes

07.14.08 Los Angeles, CA - Bob's Big Boy on Wilshire is scheduled to close for business. Its last day will be Sunday, June 22, 2008. (Update was received on June 18)

According to the July 3 edition of the Larchmont Chronicle, a BMW dealership from Beverly Hills will be moving to the Wilshire Blvd. site which is currently occupied by Bob's Big Boy and Ehler's Cadillac. Bob's and Ehler's will be demolished.

Many thanks to Chris Krause for notification



News from: Current | Q2 '08 | Q1 '08 | Q4 '07 | Q3 '07 | Q2 '07 | Q1 '07 | Q4 '06 | Q3 '06 | Q2 '06 | Q1 ' 06
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Page Last Updated August 11, 2008