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January to March 2009

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March 16, 2009

Bob's Big Boy Broiler Construction Continues

Downey, CA - The rebuilding of Johnie's Broiler to the new Bob's Big Boy Broiler continues with completion scheduled for August 2009, barring unforeseen issues.

Here are photos from the 2nd Anniversary Cruise on January 11, 2009 which remembered the two year anniversary of the illegal demolition. Jim Louder allowed the attendees a final look at the site before construction began and Kevin Preciado organized the event.

See here for more photos from the event courtesy of Adriene Biondo. Many additional photos of the event can also be found at the Jalopy Journal.

Many thanks to Adriene Biondo for update.

Wagon Wheel Preservation Lawsuit

The San Buenaventura Conservancy filed a lawsuit alleging that the City of Oxnard did not consider the California Environmental Quality Act when deciding to demolish the old Wagon Wheel Motel and bowling alley. More information can be found in the Ventura County Reporter article as well as the Ventura County Star.

Tower Records Sign Removed

For almost 50 years, Tower Records has been a fixture in Sacramento at Watt and El Camino. Tower filed bankruptcy and eventually closed all of its store in recent years. Last Thursday, the Tower Records neon sign was removed. According to the MSNBC article, the sign will be donated to the Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection Center where it will be included in a music history exhibit. The former Tower Records Store on Broadway in the Tower District is currently operated as R5 Records by Tower's original owner Russ Solomon.

March 1, 2009

Reno's Zanzibar Motel and Lounge Coming Down

Two former roadside businesses along Reno's main drag Virginia Street will be torn down soon after a Reno City Council meeting this past week. The Zanzibar Motel and the Zanzibar Lounge had been closed for some time and are located in a Reno redevelopment district near the Peppermill and Atlantis casinos. More information can be found in this Reno Gazette-Journal article.

February 10, 2009

Wagon Wheel Redevelopment

The Wagon Wheel area located in Oxnard, CA was approved by the Oxnard City Council in late January 2009 for redevelopment adding almost 2,000 homes. Demolition of the old roadside structures at the site, including the historic Wagon Wheel Motel will begin in the next three to six months according to sources. See the Ventura County Star article for more information.

Crest Theatre Marquee To Be Refurbished

The Crest Theatre in downtown Sacramento will be getting a much needed face-lift. According to the Sacramento Bee, Sacramento officials felt that the Crest "bridges downtown Sacramento's past with its future". The neon will be temporarily removed in the spring to allow for the marquee to be repainted to its original colors.

January 11, 2009

Pulaski To Rebuild Train Depot

The Pulaski Train Depot will be rebuilt, according to the Roanoke Times. The Town Manager made a statement that the station will have to "go back like it was" to remain on the National Register of Historic Places. The historic train station had been destroyed by a fire on November 17, 2008 and was insured for $800,000.

Many thanks to Richard Weiss for update





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Page Last Updated October 1, 2009