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April to June 2010

June 14, 2010

Roadside Delights from the Pacific Northwest

Catch these sights discovered by Jim Zahniser in Oregon and Washington during your summer roadside travels. See What's New.


Scenes from North Carolina and Virginia

New roadside additions to the Southeast from Tony Craig include the Counts Drug Store and Skeeters Dogs from Wytheville, VA, the Hillsville Diner in NC, and a couple of signage icons.

April 28, 2010

Eddie Bohn's Pig 'N' Whistle Gutted in Fire

West Colfax is home to the Eddie Bohn Motel and former Pig 'N' Whistle restaurant. The Pig 'N' Whistle has been known as a local Denver landmark, opened since 1924. Original owner Eddie Bohn was a friend of famous boxer Jack Dempsey and the restaurant served many a celebrity, including boxer Sugar Ray Robinson who stayed at the motel.

Unfortunately, the boarded up restaurant was gutted by a fire on April 22, 2010 though the motel marquee is still intact. The motel and restaurant had closed in 1991. Also see What's New.


Vancouver's Only Sea Foods Sign Comes Down

With a name like The Only Sea Foods, this Vancouver Canada restaurant better be a special kind of place. For 59 years, this downtown treasure has been just that, most recently if only for its well known neon sign.

Unfortunately, the neon sea horse may have cast its last look down East Hastings. The Only Sea Foods restaurant shut down in June 2009 and the landmark sign was removed in April 2010. Fortunately, this sign is being stored and may possibly be restored by the Portland Hotel Society who hope to reopen the restaurant in a new location. More information can be found in this Vancouver Sun article. Also see What's New.


Motel Sign Removed From Route 66 Barstow

The rather large and red marquee for Brant's Motel is an eye-catcher of a sign in its own right for travelers passing through the town of Barstow. Whether on their way too and from Las Vegas or Route 66, the Brant's Motel is a familiar sight to any motorist familiar with the main drag of Barstow.

Well, another familiar roadside sight has just disappeared. After being declared a public nuisance by the Barstow City Council in March, the motel sign was removed from Main Street on April 22, 2010. According to this article from the Desert Dispatch, the motel had been damaged by fire in 2006 and closed. Also see What's New.


Pollardville Just A Highway 99 Memory

A familiar sight to travelers along Highway 99 in Stockton was the Pollardville Ghost Town and Restaurant. With the tiki looking Chicken Kitchen and a big ol' showboat dinner theater within the complex, Pollardville was a must stop for many families looking to catch a rest at an old time roadside attraction.

Well time passes by and Pollardville closed in March 2007. Demolition started early in the morning on Tuesday April 13, 2010. The former Chicken Kitchen and Palace Showboat Dinner Theater were unceremoniously razed after time ravaged the buildings. Also see What's New.




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Page Last Updated September 7, 2010