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Welcome to Roadside Peek News. This section will feature a news peek of what's happening out on the road. While not pretending to be comprehensive, we hope you'll visit this section from time to time to keep up on just a sample of issues that are roadside related. Don't forget to check out the Roadside Peek main page for the day's update.

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January to March 2010

February 19, 2010

Roadside Gems from the Denver Area

Just added to Roadside Peek are photos from the Denver area courtesy of Robin McCracken, including the Davies Chuckwagon Diner, the restored Holiday Drive-in Theatre marquee, and a couple of Longmont gems including the Lamplighter Motel and a liquor store sign.

February 7, 2010

Valentine's Day Sweetheart Cruise at Bob's Big Boy Broiler

Re-live your 1st date at Harvey's by attending the free Sweetheart Cruise at the former Harvey's and Johnie's Broiler in Downey, CA. Carhop service will be available at this special event at the Bob's Big Boy Broiler on Sunday February 14, 2010 from 2pm to 6pm. See for more information.

Many thanks to Adriene Biondo for contact.


Preserve the Forum Diner in Paramus

Added photos of the historic Forum Diner in Paramus, NJ courtesy of Michael Perlman which had been threatened by a Jeep dealership in late 2009. Also see What's New.


Neon Midwest Theatres and More

Check out these neon theatres photographed by Richard Weiss in the Midwest as well as spotlights on this early 20th Century Cadillac Building in Detroit, the Chicago Theatre, and the Barnum School in Birmingham. Also, check out this old neon sign along the 8 Mile Road and an ancient grain elevator in Etna Green. See What's New for more information.

February 6, 2010

Scenes from the Midwest

Added Midwest updates and photos from the travels of Richard Weiss, including fun stuff found off the roadside like a semi on a barn in Logansport, a body builder sign in Plymouth, the Santa chicken at Lee's, and a giant burger at a gas station. Also updated information on the lost Lafayette Building and a 19th Century Chicago restaurant called The Berghoff in Chicago. See What's New for more information.

February 4, 2010

Roadside Stops in Tracy

Frequent visitors to the Northern California town of Tracy will be familiar with these roadside stops, including the historic Tracy Inn, Mission Motel, and the Tracy Center.


A Look at the Former Picacho Peak Trading Post

The Picacho Peak Trading Post and its can't miss roadside greeter was a frequent and familiar stop to and from Tucson, AZ until a fire consumed the place. See photos at the Arizona roadside men section.





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Page Last Updated February 18, 2010