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Other Roadside Signage Midwest


GE Appliance Center
Alliance, OH
Photo courtesy Mark Hackett

Looking to get your appliance repaired while in the Alliance, OH area? Then look no further than the GE Appliance Center and follow the large arrow to the appliances of your dreams.



Butterfield Jewelry
Collinsville, IL
Photo courtesy Dennis Dixon

The marquee for the Butterfield Jewelry in Collinsville has withstood the test of time.



Conrad & Son Hardware
Chicago, IL
Photo courtesy Dennis Dixon

Conrad & Son is an old hardware business in Chicago, IL. Check out the faded out sign and lettering on the front of the building. There's neon tubing on the lettering.




Kriege Hardware
Edwardsville, IL
Photo courtesy Dennis Dixon

This old marquee sits off the side of the building at Kriege Hardware in Edwardsville, IL.



Better Roofing and Siding
Chicago, IL
Photo courtesy Dennis Dixon

Better Roofing & Siding is a Chicago business that features a throwback marquee. This is another example of the old signs that used to feature working clocks for passersby.




Lees Watches
Kokomo, IN
Photo courtesy Emily Steele

Lees Watches in Kokomo is a rather eye-catching sing with neon throughout. Check out the neon clock on the bottom right.



Victory Cycle Co.
Kokomo, IN
Photo courtesy Emily Steele

Here's the marquee for the Victory Cycle Co., located in Kokomo, IN.



Ralph's Barber Shop
Photo courtesy Don Gardner

Ralph's Barber Shop features it's lettering very clearly on the outside marquee. Catch the reference to drinking Coca-Cola in bottles? This shop is located in Central Illinois.















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