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July 13, 2011

The Gorilla Villa Has Left the Premises

Gavois Mills, MO - The old 1940's era motel on Route 5 has been torn down by the Gravois Mills board of trustees not long after the property was purchased by the board in June. According to the LakeNewsOnline article, the Gorilla Villa Motel is being replaced by a city park.

July 11, 2011

Clifton's Brookdale to Reopen after Remodeling

Los Angeles, CA -The Clifton's Brookdale Cafeteria was to reopen on July 2 after closing for remodeling. According to the owner and a few long time patrons, the updated menu will be worth the visit. This was welcome news as Clifton's has been serving hungry Angelenos since 1935 with its pay for what you select and "dine free unless delighted" policy.

July 7, 2011

Lightning Strikes Icon Twice

Margate. NJ - Lucy the giant roadside elephant was struck by lightning for the second time in five years this past Sunday July 3, 2011. According to the Courier Post, damage could range up to $100,000. Lucy remains open and is still worth a visit.

June 29, 2011

Pantages Theatre Being Demolished

Vancouver, B.C. - The historic Pantages Theatre, which survived many battles for survival through the years after closing in 1994 is now being torn down. The Pantages Theatre Arts Society has decided to dissolve itself after losing the battle with the city to save this landmark theatre.

June 26, 2011

Greenville Drive-in Theatre for Sale

The Greenville Drive-In, located in the Northern Catskills, in Greenville, NY is currently up for sale or lease. It is one of only 28 remaining drive-ins in New York State. The drive-in was built in 1955 and has been open each year up until 2011. The current owners would love to see it reopened.

Its screen and projectors were updated two years ago, and although it currently is a single screener, there is plenty of acreage for two or possibly three screens.

If interested, contact Barbara Brumeil at

June 24, 2011

Save the Saucer

St. Louis, MO - Space age structure and former Phillips 66 gas station from the 1960's is in danger of being razed. The building, which was also home to Naugles, currently houses a Del Taco.

The latest word is the building owner would like to demolish this architectural gem and replace it with something more mainstream. According to this St. Louis Post-Dispatch article, preservationists are working to save the structure and a Save St. Louis Del Taco Facebook group has now formed. As of 6/24, thousands of supporters have "liked" the page and the number continues to grow. Visit the Facebook page for more information on how to help save this space age structure from demolition.

Join the Save St. Louis Del Taco Facebook group for more info

June 22, 2011

Hi-Way Drive-in Farewell

Latrobe, PA - The Hi-Way Drive-in Theatre is to be torn down this summer and replaced by a CVS Pharmacy. Yet another open air theatre will soon be leaving the roadside landscape.

Lake Drive-in Theatre Up for Sale

Celina, OH - The Lake Drive-in Theatre is up for sale and will no longer be operating as a theatre.

Admiral Twin Drive-in Ground Breaking

Tulsa, OK - Good news coming in from Tulsa. Ground breaking for the new Admiral Twin Drive-in screen tower occurred on June 11 and the drive-in which suffered a devastating fire plans to reopen in August.

June 7, 2011

Old Tony's on the Pier Threatened by Redevelopment

Since 1953, Tony's on the Pier has been a familiar and favorite eating place on the Redondo Beach Pier. Even after the great pier fire in 1988 destroyed two-thirds of the pier, Old Tony's survived and its neon sign was lit just as bright as before.

According to this article, the City is looking to spur revitalization with new investment, so existing businesses like Tony's will not have their long term leases extended. To answer questions or concerns about the fate of Old Tony's on the Pier whose lease expires next February, email the Redondo Beach City Council.

Many thanks to Adriene Biondo for alert.




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Page Last Updated July 12, 2011